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What makes some organizations more innovative than others?

A good strategy allows individuals to impose their own imagination towards organizational goals in a coordinated way. Good structure adds incentives that encourage creativity and removes requirements that stifle personal freedom. Together, a simple strategy, strong incentives, and personal freedom make organizations innovative. A complex strategy, weak incentives, and bureaucratic requirements reduce innovation.


About Goran

I am the Entrepreneurial Leadership Chair at McMaster University's DeGroote School of Business and currently Visiting Scholar at Harvard Business School.  I hold a Ph.D. in Strategy, with a minor in Economics, and an MBA from the Krannert School of Management, Purdue University.  I completed a Post Doc. in Mathematical and Computational Cognitive Science in Dr. Sebastien Helie's lab at Purdue University


Applied Strategic Management

Strategic Management is about efficient and effective management and the challenges arising from an ever-changing world. The field of Strategy is one of application, as a source of thinking and experience that creates value for society by making organizations better. The ultimate test of the relevance and value of the field of Strategic Management resides in the practice of management. 


The following are some of the teaching and research questions I am interested in. To inquire about a speaking or research engagement, contact me or McMaster Executive Education.

Research & Interests

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